Apr 08, 2024 | Jamie Graham | 272 views
2024 / 2025 Season Rep Tryout Pre-Registration
2024 / 2025 Season Rep Tryout Pre-Registration for any New Tecumseth Team- Please complete this form...
Https://www.newtecumsethicecats.ca/content/2024---2025-Tryout-InformationIceCats Tryout Information:
1- Players are asked to Pre-Register for Tryouts. Pre-Registration will be accepted until April 16th, 2024.
2- If not pre-registered, a player is still able to tryout.
3- Players registered with another OWHA organization must supply a valid Permission to Skate Form from their current organization before being allowed to tryout.
4- Current registered IceCats players will not need to provide a Permission to Skate.
5- Players currently registered for an OMHA team will not need to provide a Permission to Skate unless they have previously been registered for another OWHA organization.
6- Players must arrive at least 30 minutes prior to the posted tryout time.
7- Players must register upon arrival for each tryout.
8- Players will be given a tryout jersey at registration. This jersey must be returned after each tryout. There will be no jersey deposit.
9- We will be using a flat rate tryout fee. Fees are to be paid at the first tryout. The fee allows the player to attend any and all levels at their age group.
10- Once selected for an IceCats Competitive team, the player must register within 48 hours.
11- The Registration Portal will be open on the NTGHA website once tryouts have started.
Registration with the IceCats will trigger a release from the player’s previous organization and transfer the player to the IceCats. It is the responsibility of the player to make sure they have met the requirements for release from their previous organization.
Tryout Fees:
AA Level Teams: $75 Flat Fee ($30 Per Skate for Tryout 2 and 3 if first one was missed).
A, BB, B Level Teams: $65 Flat Fee